+49 521 52276622
Montag - Freitag,
9 - 18 Uhr

Payment methods

blase2 | Übersetzungsbüro Dialog
blase4 | Übersetzungsbüro Dialog

Accepted payment methods

We offer the following payment options for your online order:

– Payment via PayPal

– Payment by SEPA directdebit (via Stripe)

– Payment by instant bank transfer (via Stripe)

– Payment by credit card (via Stripe)

– Payment by giropay (via Stripe)

If you pay by credit card, your credit card account will be charged upon conclusion of the contract.

blase4 | Übersetzungsbüro Dialog
Prop 4 | Übersetzungsbüro Dialog

Accepted Payment Methods

The following payment options are available for your online order:

– Payment via PayPal

– Payment via instant bank transfer (via Stripe)

– Payment via SEPA direct debit (via Stripe)

– Payment via credit card (via Stripe)

– Payment via giropay (via Stripe)

When paying by credit card, your credit card account will be charged upon conclusion of the contract.

Prop 4 | Übersetzungsbüro Dialog